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Eton's FRX3 American Red Cross is intuitive, ergonomic

Who says a good UX can only come from digital music products? Eton's FRX3 American Red Cross is an award-winning radio which provides a laundry list of features in a very intuitive and ergonomic way.

Although the radio comes with a small instruction manual, I didn't need it very much (except for understanding battery life, charging options and Alert mode). For the most part, it's a 'walk up and use' experience, not needing any training for first time use. I was able to figure our most of the other features quickly and on my own.

As far as ergonomics, the device is comfortable and doesn't require a lot of physical effort. The knobs for volume and tuning are easy to rotate and large, with notches to make them non-slip in bad weather and in the perfect spot while holding the device with both hands (my index finger and thumb were naturally right there!). And the crank used to charge the FRX is accessible, simple to rotate with its handle on the end and lightweight without feeling cheap. It even has a cranking sound to give users some feedback that, yes, it's working. Other buttons for power, charging modes have large targets and are located on the front of the device.

I can't wait to use the FRX3 for our next camping trip or during a storm.


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